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June 27, 2024
David Connors

Fresh Insights From Our Event: Uplevel your VC Network

The webinar emphasized the critical role of network operations in venture capital, highlighting how VCs have always relied on their networks for sourcing investment opportunities. The ability to map and leverage relationships is now recognized as essential across various aspects of a VC fund’s performance, including fundraising, deal sourcing, due diligence, and portfolio support.

The Evolution of Network Operations for VC

Cory Bolotsky, VC platform consultant and director at the VC Platform Global Community, shared his experience since launching the VC Platform Community in 2017. He illustrated the evolution of network operations from using index cards and spreadsheets to advanced tools like Swarm. Cory’s anecdote about a general partner who used a handwritten index card to track important contacts highlighted the primitive tools used in the past.

Keshvi Radia, Head of Product at Balderton, discussed her background in product management at a fintech company. She helped transform the organization to be more data and tech-driven. Drawing parallels between the fintech and VC industries, Keshvi noted that both sectors are at turning points where leveraging technology and data is becoming crucial.

Cory detailed the significant shift from manual methods to sophisticated network operations tools. He explained that although there was always a vision of automating these processes, the tools available a few years ago were inadequate. Today, advanced tools like Swarm have made it possible to automate and scale these relationships effectively.

The Role of Technology and Data

Technology plays a vital role in scaling network operations efficiently. Cory mentioned that VCs have lagged behind other sectors like sales and marketing in terms of tooling and automation. However, there is now a rise in data-driven VC models, exemplified by communities like Andre’s Data-Driven VCs. Tools like Swarm enable VCs to map and leverage their networks more efficiently, leading to better-informed decisions and more effective support for portfolio companies.

Keshvi agreed and added that prioritizing programs impacting key performance indicators (KPIs) is essential. For example, improving deal sourcing or optimizing talent pipelines can significantly enhance a fund’s overall performance.

Challenges and Solutions in Implementation

Cultural Shift

Implementing network operations tools requires a significant cultural shift within firms. Senior partners, who have spent years building their networks, might be hesitant to share their relationship data. Keshvi suggested spending time onboarding senior members and addressing their concerns through personal sessions and clear documentation.

Data Hygiene

Maintaining data quality is crucial. Cory highlighted the unrealistic expectation of VC professionals diligently updating CRM records. He suggested leveraging third-party data sources and having a strong admin team to maintain data quality. Keshvi emphasized focusing on fewer, high-quality data sources to build trust and make informed decisions.

Measuring Success

Both speakers agreed on the importance of combining quantitative metrics with qualitative success stories. Quick wins can demonstrate immediate value. For instance, Keshvi shared an example where an investment team member used Swarm to find senior leaders in a niche sector, leading to winning a deal. Collecting qualitative feedback, such as founder surveys, helps understand the most valuable support provided.

Best Practices and Tools

Utilizing SaaS solutions and market leaders can efficiently solve specific problems. Keshvi emphasized the importance of thorough documentation and onboarding processes to ensure smooth implementation and adoption. For example, regular follow-ups to gather feedback on the effectiveness of network introductions and their outcomes are essential.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Avoid over-reliance on volume metrics without understanding the quality and impact of connections. Cory stressed the importance of maintaining relationship integrity and avoiding excessive automation. He shared an example of a fund using handwritten thank you notes through an API, balancing automation with a personal touch.

Final Thoughts and Quick Wins

To achieve quick wins, prioritize high-value, easily solvable problems. For example, finding key go-to-market contacts for a high-value portfolio company or helping the investment team close deals in specific sectors can deliver immediate results. Following up to maintain relationship integrity and gather success stories is also crucial.


In conclusion, Cory and Keshvi highlighted the importance of leveraging technology, maintaining data quality, and focusing on both quantitative and qualitative measures of success. Their advice on achieving quick wins and building internal advocacy is especially useful for those starting on this journey. The webinar offered a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities in leveraging network operations in venture capital.

Watch the full replay here.