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October 2, 2024
David Connors

The New GTM Playbook: Relationships Are the Key to Sales Success

Every week, I talk to CEOs and revenue leaders, and the one question on everyone’s mind is "What’s the new GTM (Go-to-Market) playbook?"

It’s no secret that the old strategies are falling short. We’ve seen the cracks for a while now, and the traditional approach just isn’t cutting it anymore. Let’s break it down:

  • Seller-driven push tactics
  • SDRs (Sales Development Reps) and AEs (Account Executives) being the first touchpoints with prospects
  • Prioritizing lead quantity over lead quality
  • KPIs laser-focused on emails sent and meetings booked

The market has changed, and these old methods aren’t delivering results like they used to. Why? I believe one of the main reasons is that we’ve been overly reliant on traditional sales data—let's call it sales data 1.0: names, titles, companies, and basic contact info like email and phone numbers.

Yes, intent signals have gained traction, helping companies zero in on the portion of the market that’s actively looking for solutions. But even intent data isn’t enough. There’s a vital piece missing from this puzzle.

What we’re missing is relationships data—this is what I call sales data 2.0.

Sales Data 2.0: Unlocking the Power of Relationships

Imagine knowing not just who you need to reach, but who in your company's network can help influence an account. Whether it’s a warm introduction, a referral, or an endorsement, relationships are the critical data point we’ve been overlooking.

In today’s competitive landscape, relationships are the key to unlocking sales accounts. By leveraging relationships data, the new GTM playbook emerges, and it looks something like this:

The New Playbook for Sales Success

🥇 Key executives as first touchpoints: Your most influential leaders should be the ones making introductions and referrals, getting you through the door faster and with more credibility.

🥇 Multi-signal prospecting: This isn't just about finding leads based on fit. Now, we combine fit with intent signals and relationships—targeting prospects where you have a clear path of influence.

🥇 Networks and partnerships: Your company’s network becomes one of your biggest assets. Having a strong ecosystem of partners and advocates can dramatically increase your influence and, ultimately, your success rate.

🥇 New KPIs for modern sales teams: Instead of focusing solely on traditional metrics like emails sent or meetings booked, today’s leading organizations are tracking new KPIs:

  • Number of warm introductions
  • Number of referred customers
  • Percentage of shared commissions with partners and stakeholders

The Future of Sales

The new GTM playbook is about building relationships and leveraging influence to drive deals forward. It’s no longer enough to rely on cold outreach and a flood of emails. The winners in today’s market will be the ones who tap into sales data 2.0 and capitalize on their network’s power.

The old playbook is done. The future of sales lies in your relationships.